Regulations, Codes & Standards Development


Code Organization Memberships

  • NFPA-2 Technical Committee

  • SAE Standards, Safety, and Interface Committees

  • CSA Automotive Technology Committee

  • Common Issues TAG

  • Chairman of the CSA HGV/NGV-4.1 Technical Advisory Group on Hydrogen and CNG dispensers

Key Technical Standards Established

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

  • SAE J-2601-3 - standard for fork-lift fueling protocols

ASTM International (ASTM)

  • ASTM-D7651 - the Gravimetric Method for Measurement of Particle Contamination in Hydrogen Fuel

Compressed Gas Association (CGA)

  • CGA H-5 - technical requirements and support for composite storage

  • CGA G-5.3 Commodity Standard for Hydrogen – inclusion of SAE 2719 fuel quality standard 2011


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Approval Process